Life In Wales

By KarenC

Woody’s Tribe for Pride

I went to Chris’ this morning to have my hair cut which is one of the reasons that I’m back in Brighton. It was lovely to see him and catch up on all his news, and of course nice to get my hair done, mind you it’s been so windy today that it didn’t stay looking nice for long!

Then once I was back at Alison’s, we went and caught the bus into Brighton. This weekend would normally have been Pride but sadly it was cancelled again which seems such a shame when everything has pretty much opened up again, however I thought there may be a few unofficial events going on. But there wasn’t really, and where normally there are rainbow flags all along the seafront, there was nothing, apart from some shops who had done their own window displays.

I’d seen on Instagram that Woody Cook, son of Fat Boy Slim and Zoe Ball was doing a DJ set this afternoon and they were selling ice cream and soft drinks, with all profits going to the Rainbow Trust, so we went along to see him. We sat and watched them and one of the guys came over and gave us an ice cream for free, and when we’d finished it we went and paid for it - he said it was for free but we told him to put the money in the charity pot. Then I asked if I could take a photo of them all - Woody is the guy to the right with the rainbow top on.

We then had a wander round town, went on the pier and along the seafront and stopped at the Brighton Music Hall for a drink. Thankfully despite the wind it was sunny and warm. We then wandered back into town and sat outside the Colonnade Bar and watched Woody’s gang from a distance, until a police van turned up and made them pack up. It was all a bit weird as they’d told us earlier that they had a licence until 8pm, but obviously something was amiss - we felt quite sorry for them as they were only trying to do something good.

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