Key Man Dependency, Aylesford

More like short straw dependency. This week has been really tough, especially as I've now learnt I'm going to be the only paintings photographer at work for another two weeks. I'm beyond knackered and the deadlines are going to properly kick in next week. I seem to have been hit by the inverse law of photography, the busier I get at work in my studio the more my own photography has withered on the vine. To top it off my venerable CD player that I've had in my studio for nigh on twenty years has finally given up the ghost (when I try and play any music the digital display issues a very forlorn "NO DISC", over and over again). It has helped me through so many exhausting days at work and brought me so much joy when I had my favourite music at full volume, singing along to lyrics at the top of my voice. It 's been worth more than it's weight in gold!
Just when I thought I wasn't going to get a shot today the sun briefly popped out at home and a set of keys attached to a bright orange fluffy, squashed tennis ball placed on top of a retro milk bottle holder made an image that appeared before my eyes. It's why I love photography - sometimes a shot is right there, you just have to look a bit harder! So mu new motto going forward is going to be "look harder, look better". Hopefully, it will work.

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