If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

House Martin ( Delichon urbicum )

Last Christmas as one of my presents the girls gave me an artificial House Martin nest box.  Well to be more correct they gave me two.  Martins like to nest in colonies so two boxes on one plate is likely to be more successful.

Knowing there needed to be some work done at least to the soffits and facias I didn't put it up.  After the roof was done and the walls painted I nipped up the scaffolding and fixed it in place.  I really didn't expect any interest until next year.  I wasn't even very hopeful for then either as our single nest hadn't been able to go ahead this year.

Much to my surprise a few days ago I heard the unmistakable sound of them "talking" to each other in the nest.  Watching for a little while showed birds coming and going.  Even with the original mud nest it wasn't uncommon for them to prospect ready for next year.  So I assumed that was what they were doing.

Surprisingly they are still birds in and out of both nests 4 days later.  This may just possibly be a late breeding attempt.  All in all it is very pleasing as they are a species which is in steep decline.  Even if no breeding this year things look good for next year.

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