Steam after rain

The roof of the neighbor's car port steams as it rains. The sun was out after a quick, intense thunderstorm.

Announcement: I got the offer and accepted the job. I filled out paperwork and put in my two weeks' notice today. Everything is in motion. My supervisor was disappointed but happy for me.

I'm on vacation (still got six days of that), so I had to get on my work computer to email my supervisor. Then I sat and waited for a response. It was odd. He and I talked for about half an hour. I feel a little bad about leaving the team shorthanded, but I need to do what's best for me.

The new job has much higher pay. It'll be the best paying job I've ever had. The benefits are better too. And it's got weekends and holidays off. Shocking! I've never had that. I start on the 23rd. I'm really happy.

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