The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Day Before

Dear The Eldest Mini Princess,

18 years ago, I was in labour and both excited and scared.

I was so excited about getting to meet our ‘Bean’. I could feel you move, watched in wonder as your tiny limbs made strange shapes on my belly and laughed at your frequent hiccups. I hadn’t met you but I already loved you completely, without limit or choice.

I was scared. Not about the pain of labour - there are always drugs for that, but whether you would be ok and how I might be as a mum. The only living things I had ever been responsible for were houseplants, and they had not fared well in my care.

18 years later and you are, quite simply, wonderful. Tomorrow you will officially be an adult. You leave home soon to start university and the world will open wide with new people and experiences. I’m sure you are both excited and scared, and that’s ok. The most amazing things come from excited and scared.

Love always,


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