Jaggy day!

Himself had an eye appointment in Oban so set off early,  stopped in a cafe in the town to have a quick snack! Well quick certainly was a word they were unfamiliar with! Twenty minutes later and I was hungrey enough to chew a brush, I asked the wee lassie behind the counter where was our food? Both she and her mate were busy playing on their damn phones which if I could have have grabbed and slung in the soup pot which they were ignoring! I asked where our order was and they looked askance and said "oh sorry we forgot it!" strewth, himself had to leave and I waited a few more miliseconds for a bowl of soup to arrive and the most unapetising baked tattie I ever had the misfortune to set eyes upon? she plonked the stuff on the table which by now Donald had left in hatse and I was glowering at two pathetic food offerings. To make maters worse, after beating a hasty retreat to the saftey of the kitchen, they hadn't given me any cutlery. I got up to ask for cutlery when this wifey who had been sitting at the table next to us earlier and was busy arranging some hospital appointment for some irratable bowl, on her phone I kid you not, by this time she had an irratable custormer and she knew it! She said I'll get this and dived to the counter to get shooting irons. When I tried to cut the tattie, it was like a bullet. I 'd had enough (though not food) so I stood up and said this is unedible, your service is awful and I don't need to know about your bowls! I chucked a tenner at h er and told her to use it on staff training and left!
What is it with these places! 
Then already in a gurmpy mood I went to the butchers, fully masked up and wearing my wee flat farmers cap when the unfortunate butcher said, " what can I get your Sir"!!  Now i'm well used to being taken for the wrong sex but today was not one so I roared over my multi coloured mask looking like bloody dick Turpin on speed and without his horse, and said " I'm not a bloke" He profusley apologised but by this time I was in no mood for any sort of contrition and stormed out trailing my sausages behind me! 
Customer service has become a joke, in Subway, the lass there was so slow, I had time enough to eat a customer! what are they going to do when they go back to normal shopping rules and have to serve more than one person at a time! In the Lidle shop there was a Q almost out the door , yet only one checkout operating with the poor bloke that always looks so unhealthy that i mentally look for the nearest difibulater in case he keels over! Fair play to him he copes but where were the rest. In the Uist Co op there was also one lonely checkout operator and 6 others on the shop floor fighting over who should stock the biscuit shelf!
These people need to get a grip!

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