The dipping pond
Today went like this -
Allotment first, pulled rhubarb, picked more runner beans, sowed beetroot, & rainbow chard. Moved bark chippings to cover another section of shared path, which is not being attended to so I'm attempting to make it easier for me. I don't like getting wet legs every time I walk to my plot. Walked up to fetch the paper from the town, passing The Ship, Tom, the landlord, had asked John if I had any rhubarb he could have to make a crumble. The cellar door was open, empty kegs outside so obviously waiting for the draymen, I called out to him but he did'nt hear me so I left the rhubarb plus a clump of chipples just inside the door where he would see them. Sent him a message later, just in case.
Down to Mum's, walked Indie across the heath, this blip is taken where Indie likes to have a dip on the way around. She shakes to command .. She is a character, naughty sometimes, but fun to walk as shes always got her nose to the ground searching out squirrels, pheasant, generally enjoying herself. There is a resident Southern Hawker dragonfly on this pond, which Indie probably disturbs when she enters the pond, although this species seems to spend it's time patrolling it's patch. An intruder turned up yesterday, there was a mid battle, before the blow-in, flew off once more. I might need to visit without Indie. I did photograph a male earlier on the walk resting on the hedge but as I crept around thinking I might get a great symmetrical shot, it took flight. I think the light caught the camera casing. Further around there is a large buddleia in full flower, a feeding frenzy for the butterflies, hover flies & bees.
Back home checking Mum's shopping list, I noticed 2 ticks on my leg. Yuk!! I do check all the time as Indie gets them on her coat etc. there are cattle, deer & lots of other wildlife on the heath so I'm well aware of their presence. I managed to remove these 2, dabbed with Dettol. Good to go!
Did Mum's shop plus mine. Mum's really into watching the Olympics so very happy for me to do her shop too. I was rewarded with coffee & Danish :-D
Dentist this afternoon. I don't mind the dentist, but as I don't make saliva, & swallowing difficult in some circumstances I was a little apprehensive. The dentist wanted to use a dental dam, a thin latex sheet isolating the treatment area. Give it a go & if I can't manage he'll stop. I had a fair ol' dose of local anesthetic. Part of a large filling had broken away, he removed the rest then did the repair. I went into the dentist at 2.20pm & came out at 3.45pm . He completed the first filling then offered doing the smaller filling on the other side of my mouth. My whole mouth felt numb, so off we went again. This time no dental dam used. Fingers crossed I wont be needing another visit soon. My bank balance £422 lighter ...
More medals for Team GB, including a gold for showjumping, & a bronze won by 13 year old Sky Brown in the skateboarding.
I made pork noodle soup for dinner.
Wide Wednesday #symmetry - Thanks to BobsBlip for hosting
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