Pasticceria Siciliana

Mr B went to tennis. Good to see he’s getting back in.

Meanwhile I sorted his Fitbit problem - they are replacing it with a new one. Then continued communications with a Chinese ebay seller - my purchase doesn’t fit at all - they originally offered £4 off, today upped to £8. I have explained it’s no use to me. Hope tomorrow they agree to refund.

Picked up hubby from tennis, and drove to Westbourne. Dropped a package at the Post Office. Then coffee at Moka Pot (cool young Sicilian owners, one we know from a café where he worked round the corner). Think they are doing really well, and remained open during lockdowns.

Suggested they should have a better vegan offer - whereupon the delightful Sicilian waitress recommended an ‘Iris’ (pronounced Eeris). Had no idea what that was. So she showed me one - a Sicilian speciality, rather like a doughnut - but with a crunchier outside. Had to try, so she offered to get one made for me with a vegan custard centre. 500 calories ++, without doubt. I am so lacking in restraint.

Blip includes some of the perfectly symmetrical cakes on display.

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