
By Mikey88

Bedroom Saga (2)

The Daughter's bedroom is coming on (see Blip for 11/03). She has replaced some of the paper, got at least one coat of paint on the walls - and has made a good job of it. Some of the wallpapering was a bit dodgy, but she might get away with it. The bad news is, it is now Tuesday and her brother comes home next Monday, which means (as she is working some of the time) that she has only five days to get it finished and clear the piles and piles of her belongings from her brother's room. The clock is ticking!

I put a record onto my record player today. I bought it - Pioneer deck and amp - 39 years ago and it is still going strong. Put Neil Young's 'Harvest' on, complete with scratches. What a great album. The first chords of 'Heart of Gold' still send a shiver up my spine.

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