
By hpx

Dr Booth's beans

Dr B did a spot of hpx sitting on Sunday morning while Mum went to church. She left a bag of home grown beans for us.

Some we ate and those that were old and stringy I kept. The distinctive pink and grey seeds are drying on the kitchen window ledge. I'm rather partial to 'Scarlett Runner' beans. I remember Nana growing them and I think they're one of the nicest beans around.

A few of the older beans became my blip subject today.

I felt confident enough today to walk outside the confines of the yard. It wasn't necessarily further than what I've been managing but I knew I had to feel I could get back home again from three doors down the road. I'm bigger than Mum, she can't carry me ;-)

I'm all caught up on back blips now if you're interested. Just the one day missed.

Thank you, thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement. I'm yet to read them all and reply to your comments but that day will come.

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