Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Backyard Visitor

I finally put out a fresh feeder. This is a male black-chinned hummingbird. I was happy to have caught the light just right so you can see the purple ring around his neck.  Not as exciting as posting a hummer in flight. I did catch a few but they didn't show his pretty color.

My cleaning lady quit on me today, via text.  I canceled for this morning because I really needed to get some sleep after yesterday's debacle. I guess I didn't give her enough notice. They come at 8 am and I could not have handled it.

The dentist was supposed to call an hour ago so I could plead my case for allowing me to stay with the practice.  No call. Don't expect one now. It was easier on her to send a letter than to talk to the person.  Pretty dehumanizing.

I was looking forward to a camera club Zoom class this afternoon. I had the wrong Zoom log in info. So, forget that.

If anyone is really interested in what I'm going through, check out this 9 minute podcast.

Comments will be off for a while. It's hard to know what to say, so I won't put anyone on the spot.  No one said life is always fair but mine really sucks.

For the record: #3878 (2 prime numbers and 88 is an 'abundant' number)

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