St. Michaels Mount

We suggested a visit here and as we all have NT cards I only had to pay for return tickets for the boat. It’s been a few years since our last visit and we walked across the causeway then. Once there we were reading an information board and realised that there are three pick up points for the boat and the little (changeable) plaque told us it was the green one that we needed, the furthest point to walk too. Off we went to find our pick up point only to realise once we were there (with a few others) that the pick up point was the middle one ~ orange! So back we went. 

Once across we decided to look at the gardens first (I’m sure last time we went through the house and exited down through the gardens. I’m not sure if it’s just a COVID change or a permanent one).  However, dad was struggling quite a lot and even mum didn’t fancy the steep climb up so we abandoned that idea, walked back down and found a bench to stop for a breather and have a drink.  Whilst sitting there we were entertained by a young Japanese lady having a little , actually quite big, hissy fit with her boyfriend/husband/brother?? She threw her phone down whilst shouting at him, he went and picked it up. She then threw her sunglasses and again he picked them up and all the time she’s screaming at him. They sat on the grass for a while before she stormed off….. and the Mount was very busy but she didn’t seem to care.

After that we took the very steep walk up to the house. The path is cobbled and quite treacherous even for us let alone mum and dad but we did make it. Only to be fronted with a queue waiting to go in. Once again mum and dad , quite rightly, decided not to go in as a) it would be to busy/crowded and b) you would feel you had to rush around for others to see and not be able to read/take in the surroundings. After admiring the views for a while we headed back down to the harbour and wandered back to get the boat back.  We had still spent a good couple of hours there and, apart from the boat journey, we hadn’t lost any money.  As we had to book tickets for the house I thought the numbers would be reduced but it was still very busy and a bit too much for mum and dad. Still no rain here although more cloud around today.

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