Phin’s op

Big day for Phin as he was booked in at the vets at 8.30 for his neutering. up in time to take him for a walk round the stream before we got straight in the car. He looked a little put out that there was no breakfast on offer but was so happy to see the vet nurse when we arrived.

He went off quite happily so it was back to the house to hang out yet another load of washing before we headed off to the vaccination centre for Miss PHL’s second jab. She coped much better than last time and was relieved when it was over. We headed off to the big blue and yellow warehouse for breakfast and a look round the chairs for Mr PHL’s shed. He didn’t see any that were suitable but I managed to pick up a few bits and pieces in the kitchen department.

Home again and I did more washing, hanging out in the line, sorting out the linen cupboard, getting the dry washing ready for ironing, stripping the beds in the motor home and finally getting 10 minutes to sit down before we collected Phin just after 4.

He tolerated the anaesthetic well and appeared quite happy to be home. He was a bit sleepy and seemed pleased with his newest toy bought this morning. He was a pretty good boy until we sat down to dinner when he mooched a lot at the table and, I guess, he just wanted to be near us.

A quick call with young Mr PHL and his girlfriend after dinner before I headed to bed just before 9. I’d been fighting a low grade headache most of the day and thought a good sleep would help.

Backblipped Tuesday morning For Monday.

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