Capital adventures

By marchmont

Braid Hills

It rained most of today and it was cold. I spent a while getting going. Too wet to do the normal Saturday chores. I had a lengthy WA conversation with #1 son and ended up speaking to the bank for him. Hallelujah, RBS have finally installed a final system, even if it doesn't work entirely as advertised. I harvested the first of my tatties. Not a huge crop but I'm sure they will be tasty and another 4 bags to go.

Then I moved files to the cloud so that I can move to only using one PC. I caught up with and listened to the last episode of 'Passenger List'. At the same time I was composing the tricky email to the Board.

There was a side trip to take K to her new lodgings. It's been an odd experience. She was no trouble, very quiet, tidy, undemanding but living with someone who never spoke to me and turned day into night was quite stressful. Now I am back alone.

The sun has come out and I stopped to blip the normal view, eastwards across Aberlady Bay to the Berwick Law.

Ordered a carry out, not the best I've had, and uploaded photos from the camera to One Drive whilst listening to my book.

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