
Lazy day with a lot of ideas, but at first no energy whatsoever. Until I chatted with my son and asked him for a visit.

We bought kebab meals as takeaway, and ate in our garden. Ice-cream for a dessert at Yrjölä berryfarm and checking lambs too. Nicke the poodle licked their noses!!!

My son had taken his fishing rod and new lures with him. Luckily we found a side of a beach for him to try the lures. I watched the dog during that time, and the dog watched his master. It just sat with me and watched!

Finally they both went walking into the low water. It was probably very refreshing for the poodle - even if it had not ever been eager to go to the water before this.

No fish caught, but a big pike took my son’s new lure!
Nice time with the boys. Very relaxing day.


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