Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pattern from Acrylic wool.

The Feast Day of St. Joseph of Arimathea.

A somewhat overcast cold day, November like. 17.5c indoors and not warm outside. There is a breeze.
We resisted putting the heating on.
I went out to buy the Mail and walked the short distance around the closed church and beautiful garden.
The plants look more alive thanks to the recent rainfall. There are plenty of seeds to collect from the Granny's Bonnet, and the floriferous, pink Hollyhock, is continuing to stand tall. The blue Hydrangea flowers all look remarkable.
I have been mostly avoiding the cold weather by watching documentaries about Marian Apparitions, and a story telling of the life of St. Patrick. I followed Holy Mass from Portlaoise and said the Holy Rosary, today being traditionally the Joyful Mysteries. Then I have continued to crochet a small blanket for Arthur our cat. He has stayed with Paul mostly this afternoon, after Paul got home from the shop.

.I hope you enjoyed your Saturday blip friends and sincere thanks for visiting today.

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