
If we go for a walk in the rain, rather than take my 'expensive' cameras I invariably take my old Lumix with me. I bought it refurbished from the Panasonic outlet site on eBay about 6 years ago. I'm usually disappointed with the images it produces, subconsciously I'm probably hoping it gets damaged in the rain so I can justify replacing it. Today was no exception. I saw a lovely common blue butterfly, but no way could I get the camera to focus on it. I've added an out of focus extra which will probably be the first to go when I have to start recycling.

The main blip is a very small lizard I spotted a bit further on. This time the camera decided it would focus for me. I assume it must be a common lizard, though the colours don't really seem to be right.

One year ago
Pittville Pump Room

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