
By Lynnski

This is not ebay!!

Looks like I've taken a foto for ebay, Not the case.

This little collection of 45 baby vests has today set off on it long journey to Africa.

A friend of mine is engaged to a nurse who works at a very poor Maternity clinic in the village of Kerewan, Lower Baddibu, North Bank. The Gambia. I usually visit a couple of times a year and take as much 'charity' baggage as I can carry. However not so this year.

My friend put a very long list of things required for the clinic(on a TA Forum) that is incredibly impoverished. Theses baby vest are my contribution along with a donation . Why vests, well apparently the Mothers after they had delivered have nothing but a cloth to wrap their new arrival in to carry them home.

We truly forget just how lucky we are in a non 3rd world country. Africa is a true leveller.

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