Taiteen kotitalo 2021

We checked out from the hotel at noon, did some shopping and had lunch in the Cafe Ursula and had walk with Peetu (the extra photo is from the Kaivopuisto park). Then we drove to Kerava to see very interesting art project. There is an old apartment house, that will be demolished. Before the town of Kerava will do it, they gave free hands to artists to create experimental art to all walls, ceilings and floors. The project started last summer, and it was so successful, that it was continued this summer. In total 80 artist have participated to Taiteen kotitalo 2021 project. There are 70 different spaces and five floors full of art.
The aim is to spread this kind of action and exhibitions around Finland to houses that will be demolished.

We were happy to be back home in the evening. 

+17,8°C, showers

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