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By pplnani

Friend Or Foe?

............ I apologise in advance for this blip which I’m sure some of you will find revolting but I was intrigued to know what is going on here.
These two spent quite a while in each other’s company and I couldn’t make out if they were fighting or attempting to get intimate.
I thought snails were hermaphrodites so didn’t need to mate but they looked like they were getting very friendly to me.
In this photo they seem to be joined to each other near the head end by something really quite large ......... which kind of suggests that they could have been mating.
I did an internet search and couldn’t find anything that exactly matched what I had seen ......... the mating ritual was described differently.
So it’s still a mystery to me exactly what they were up to because shortly after I took this the heavens opened and I beat a hasty retreat indoors.

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