Friday's photograph (no painting today)

Popeye was guarding me all night as usual.
I left him on my bed while I went to make a cuppa tea and mug of coffee.
When I came back he was lying in a very strange position. He'd had another heatstroke/fit. He had involuntarily wet himself. Fortunately it was on my sheepskin. At least I didn't have a complete bed to change and wash.

He was overheating and his temperature was rising, and he was breathing far too fast. So rubbed him with a damp towel, then wrapped him in damp towel and put him over my heart for a bit. He looks like his breathing is near normal, and his temperature has gone down. I have a fan on him, the window is also wide open.

So, this morning's photo is the Jade-like cat. The Jade-like cat sleeps on my wooden swing overnight. He/she, it looks a she to me, appears to live in my garden now. The swing accommodation is comfortable, with a base of foam cushion topped by some pure wool old jumpers of mine, and a 100% feather cushion.

I could see her from my bed when she was waking up, having a good stretch, so I took a photo. Her eyes are asking for breakfast...
Yesterday she had an adventure in my garden. She was on the garden path eyeing the sparrows feeding, when along came a heffalump (wood pigeon) who crash landed on top of her. Talk about breakfast handed to you on a plate. She recovered and reacted quicker than the pigeon who was dazed wondering what the heck happened. I rushed out grabbed the wood pigeon which appeared only to be minus half a dozen largish feathers, and slung him back in the air. The pigeon promptly crash landed into my willow tree, tumbled a bit, Jade-like cat was rushing up the willow tree. Wood pigeon managed to grab its few remaining brain cells, and managed to take off. Jade-like cat was disappointed. I gave Jade-like cat some cat food and promptly explained that she does NOT catch birds in my garden. I am not sure she was listening, but I told her she could hunt mice, and the larger version on a mouse, whereupon a very well fed mouse ran across the path, Jade-like cat abandoned the breakfast I gave her and pounced...I left her to it...

Popeye doesn't want me to post the photo of him wrapped in a wet towel. 

So, here is Jade-like cat just woken up this morning. She looks under a year old to me. And by the way about a quarter to one third of the residents in this road have still not returned to their bungalows yet, after they all left their bungalows a few nights (a week?) ago when it was intolerably hot in these bungalows. Did Jade-like cat belong to one of them and was an indoors cat? Because I have never seen this pretty cat before. If she stays, she is welcome to stay and I will sort her out (I am not having kittens). There are no notices on Facebook or other online sites to say missing cat. 

Here she is, the light is not very good, it was only 6am on a grey rainy morning.

And I need a nap...

* In extra is her ravenously wolfing  down breakfast.

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