Journies at home

By journiesathome

Moderna x2

The second jab laid me low.  I'm ashamed to admit it, but when your face turns grey and your lips turn blue and you want to vomit into someone else's sink, it's hard to hide. The helterskelter's stairs were a no-no.  I lay on Mu's bed while Gab sang the Foggy Dew.  Nico went into a tourbillon  of illness denial.  It's taken me 5 years to get my head round this one.  I still haven't but I've developed survival techniques.  
I took a couple of paracetamols, stuck wax earplugs in and fell into a fever induced sleep.  The sheets were wet and cold and woke me up early.  
Mu and I hit Montbel nonetheless (I'd promised).  I just wanted to be a long way away from another human being and go to sleep under a tree on the edge of the water. 
We stopped at the orchards on the way home and bought a crate of peaches which stirred me out of my fevered torpor. 
Too tired to finish this one.  off to bed with another peach.
Good night blippers xx

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