Is it my birthday...?

At last... We could say yes! 

Such excitement, and such smugness about being 5 - 5 years old! He is so very proud of himself.  Mummy, I can dress myself, because I'm 5, Mummy, I can sit by myself, because I'm 5... 

He has had a lovely day, they played ALL morning with new toys - I got to clean the house which is almost annoying in the pleasure it brings. We went out to a 'farm cafe' this afternoon, it was fantastic.  A farmers daughter who is back from University for the summer has set up a pop-up cafe on the edge of a field they had grassed over for her 21st birthday party last year (which didn't happen).  Beautifully laid out, pots of flowers all around. They are having dinners every Friday evening - over 100 booked for tomorrow, which isn't bad for a village cafe in a field! The boys arrived with some of their farming toys and the girl running it got on the phone to her father who was out combining for the day - got the details of the field he was in and so off we trotted after our drinks to watch him and his son at work (see extra).  For one little boy, this was a GREAT birthday. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The birthday cake turning out well! (recent ones have been below par) 
The farm cafe and the combine in action 
Afternoon call from my cousin on the way to visit her mother, she needs some support at the moment and it's rewarding to be able to give it. 

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