
A day of bits and pieces, some rather frustrating but now resolved.
The car needs some work and now also needs an MOT and service but the garage we usually go to hadn't got a tool that was needed. I phoned them this morning and the person I spoke to still didn't know it they had it and said he'd phone back. Several hours later he hadn't so I phoned the place we bought the car from, they could only offer Perth or the day before we go away, I said I would have to consult so they said they'd ring back later.
We discussed it and had decided if it had to be Perth then so be it - then the our garage phoned back and said they could do it. We accepted and declined the slot in Perth so hope all now goes smoothly.
We need it done as we're going to see Mum just before we go away north for a week, it seemed the best option in the next 6 weeks!
I then managed to get to the Health Walk where we had our post-walk cuppa in this pleasant shelter and shopped on the way home (and they had fresh tuna available, a treat).
Got a bit of gardening in before a shower and went to running club training this evening.

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