Abstract Thursday - Wintery
Its mighty wintery here at the moment! The wind is phenomenal today literally blowing a gale and just doesnt seem want to let up and lots of rain as well!
Branches are down everywhere and leaves and other rubbish is flying in the air and today I found this No Entry sign down on the ground, the base of it was all rusted and I guess this powerful wind just knocked it down. The background of the sign was all crackled and past its best and I thought this chosen chunk made a great abstract!! In extras is a shot of that rusty base which makes an interesting abstract all on its own! :o)
Check out Western Australia on nullschool wind map and you’ll get the idea!!
I’m so tired from my night out that I really have to go to bed. Huge thanks for all the love for last nights blip, you are a wonderful lot and I’m so glad you liked it!!! :o)xxx
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting!! :o)
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