Darned migraine!
I’ve recently begun having the “aura” of a migraine - sometimes by itself and sometimes followed by the headache. I have an appointment with a specialist in 3 weeks, but for now I just pray that it doesn’t come at an inconvenient time. Of course I got one this morning while eating breakfast but fortunately it went away in time to drive to see my mom. I had a vague headache all day and the aura started up again late this afternoon. It’s worrisome but I’m beginning to think it’s brought on by stress, you think? ;-)
August will be a bit easier and then I’m retiring from teaching when these classes end on 9/4. I’ve probably said that before. Too much on my plate! I want to be in the garden!
Where I was just now when I realized that the lovely Abutilon ‘Smoked Salmon’ was in full bloom. The magic spray bottle seemed to cool the too hot outside temps!
I hope that I can check your journals later tonight…I’m behind again!!
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