Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Has bean!

Well our promised torrential rain fortunately didn't appear yesterday, it did start to rain very heavily at 11.59pm last night but stopped again within 20 minutes. We awoke this morning to wet paths and flowerbeds so clearly it rained overnight but not to any excess thank goodness. The garden will have enjoyed it and it saved me a job!
Wednesday today, so I went to church first thing, a welcome time of quiet in the week. Back home I plootered around the house and computer a bit, completing some tasks and moving others forward. I seem to be too good at taking on additional jobs when actually all I want to do is sit back and let others do things at times.
I was delighted to find a couple of runner beans on the towers this afternoon, the start of a good crop I hope, this one is about 8 inches long, so it's definitely good to go.
We finished off our anniversary meal from Côte at Home tonight, lamb shanks and green veg Actually when I say we finished it, we didn't, as we only ate one of the shanks and kept the other for another day. We've still got a pack of roast and marinated beetroot for another day too. The profiteroles have all gone now though. I can't complain about the quantity of food and it was delicious. It all came really well packaged with insulating cool brown paper packaging and eight reusable cool (freezer) packs.
I had an unexpected visitor in the garden this afternoon, I came round the side of the garage to find a sparrowhawk sitting on the whirlygig. It didn't budge and simply stared at me. I was so taken aback that I clapped my hands to scare it away from all the cherished and happily chirping baby dunnocks in our clematis without even taking a photo! They are such silent assassins the way they swoop in but I don't often see them in the garden.
We watched two episodes of Only Connect tonight and so now we are only a week behind on our Monday evening University Challenge /Only Connect quizzes.
Is good to see our numbers continuing to fall, I keep going with two lateral flow tests a week. I know they are not 100% but they're the best I have. I'd rather continue to do my bit to make sure others aren't infected by me if I do pick it up. The falling numbers help me to hope that won't happen though.
Keep safe everybody. Thanks for your good wishes, I'm feeling better today but just left rather wabbit after a stomach upset, onwards and upwards!

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