Proof of resurrection

Tuesday 27th July 2021

At just over 30 years old the Yucca still has a fighting spirit, despite living a charmed life. A short account can be found here. So, here's the update from November. 

Unfortunately, to my surprise and dismay, the top didn't survive. It became infested with flies and became ill again, finally giving up the ghost. However, two of the three middle sections did take root and are growing nicely.

In November I did say I had left the base but thought it was beyond redemption. I kept it inside for quite a while but the trunk just seemed to dry out and shrivel a bit, there were no signs of life showing on it at all. In the end I decided that it had obviously died and I took it out into the garage just before Christmas ready to be thrown away. I was very sad at the time as I wasn't sure then whether the two middle sections would grow. Thankfully, I never got around to throwing it away and the other day when I was in the garage I was amazed to find that it had decided to sprout out from below the soil line! You can see in the middle here that it has actually got quite tall. I've brought it back into the house and given it a drink. I will now give it some TLC and talk to it, as I've always done. 

So, the Yucca lives on to fight another day. Welcome back my friend(s).

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