
By dunkyc

Still baffled

The car was in for a service today, which meant a fairly early drop-off and walk back home for a morning meeting.

After the heat of the last week or so, it was nice to enjoy the coolness of the morning and the fact that everything was so still. It’s not my most original blip as I’ve taken similar shots before, but it captured a moment of stillness.

Work was pretty average, but painless and after a quick stroll into town for some essentials which included a slice of cheesecake for one, I settled in to watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood….and I promptly lost approximately two hours, forty minutes of my life.

It looked great, the performances were great, there were a couple of moments of tension and it featured maybe some of QT’s best dialogue, BUT despite all the surrounding razzamatazz there was a massive, gaping hole where the story should have been and the run time simply elapsed.

It left me utterly baffled.

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