Darkness and Light

Life is made up of darkness and light.  We hope for more light than darkness but at times we find ourselves wandering in the darkness of sorrow and fear and fretfulness.  

This is for my friend, Anne, who was the first fellow student I met on our first day in college in Wales.  Anne had travelled down from N Wales with her mom and dad and we had travelled from Birmingham.  Anne must have thought I was a strange Brummie girl but we have remained friends ever since 1973 and shared each other's dark moments and those moments of joy.

Anne had a severe stroke at the weekend when she was up in N Wales sorting her Uncle's estate and funeral.  She was alone and that fills my heart with sorrow for her.  I hope she was not afraid.  I think she was not found for a couple of days and was admitted to hospital on Sunday night after her sons had raised their concern about her not being back in South Wales at home.  She died this afternoon with her beloved sons by her bedside.  Find everlasting light, Anne, my much loved friend.

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