Mum in the Moment

By muminthemoment

Sherbet, snow and bunnies

Thankfully I made it home from school run before the snow came on too heavy. I do love a bit of snow.

I am pretty sure I played the keyboard in the prayer room for most of this morning. I put the fire on when I arrived, found my slippers, made coffee and then sat down and played some music. It's like my second home. Next thing I knew it was 1215pm and the kids were asking for lunch. A quick morning indeed.

It's nearly Easter and my oldest daughter is wanting to make and create things. Now there's a surprise! I looked out her easter book and we sat on the sofa together this evening and looked through it. She talked, and i drank tea and ate a sherbet dip dab:)

Bunnies, chocolate and Jesus! 3 of her favourite things all rolled into one season. She's a happy girl!

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