I actually got up early today. Did my exercises right away. Noticed the Met Office was telling us there would be a thunderstorm at 5 o'clock with rain, hail and possible flooding. Went outside and photographed my crocosmia. It was looking good and might well end up battered if the forecast was correct. Then I scrubbed the birds feeding stuff and the garden furniture, not that you'd know it now. I wonder if they pooh to mark their territory.
After breakfast I went round to the recycling and the chemist. Now have my medication and have got rid of the glass that had piled up. Spent time in the garden cutting back the kiwi fruit plant. The leaves and new growth are lovely but I've never known anything grow so fast. Pulled out a sycamore seedling that had managed to grow to about four feet without me noticing. They really know how to blend in. I thought I would have a struggle but it came up easily. Had a look online for winter flowering cyclamen but none in stock just now so made a note that September is the time.
The car body shop rang to say the insurance company had approved them to repair my car which is great news. It's not happening until the middle of August which is fine as it's only cosmetic.
Five o'clock has arrived and no thunder but I have heard distant rumblings and there are clouds. I'm going to unplug my computer as last year we had a storm which caused mayhem with it and the internet.
There was a plan to dust but I've decided that's a step too far. As a token gesture I may set Roomba in action. I hope this storm is a good one when it comes. I'm quite partial to a good thunderstorm.
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