What a B----y ....

..... MESS!!
In time gone by I'd have tidied the verges myself ( alas I'm not able now!) but since our council choose to make themselves bankrupt we're all made to suffer & still need to pay taxes , hey ho, that seems to be the way of the world these days. The poor workers who sweat & toil get the up - shot of all these demeanours.
RANT OVER! Nothing will come of it so why bother?
It has been a pleasant day today , for me anyway, "A" has repaired my walker , still he loves making thing!, but I now know it's safe & no need for a new one. I cleaned the drain out as it was filled with moss that came off the roof and waste water was finding it difficult to drain away. It was like wading through sludge, poor water, what a struggle lol!
Do hope you've all had a good day .

Thoughtful ..... of reading the last part of Philemon ready for tonight's group.

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