Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Bowl of Beaut

Pam, Phil and Kie popped over for some pre-Rich's birthday fun. Rich made a scrummy Cowboy Pie for lunch, which we followed with Percy Pig ice cream. The pink part is delicious, but the marshmallows might be the grossest thing in the world... Thankfully they were only on the top so I could scrape them off. Once Pam had gone, the lads and I cracked on with some brews, TV, and dining on a 'bowl of beaut' (see extra). It looks like a bowl of barf but honestly it's so tasty; I will forever be indebted to Andi Hinton for introducing me to the concept. It's literally just chips, rice and noodles mixed with a curry from a Chinese takeout, if you want to try it for yourself! After that, it was time for a movie (do yourself a favour; don't bother with Die In A Gunfight)...

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