Getting started!

Sunday 25th July 2021

Back in 2019 I lost the momentum in terms of swimming. On 1st Jan 2020 I set myself a virtual challenge of swimming the channel. Unfortunately I never actually got started and we all know what happened then. In recent months I've wanted to get fit after lockdown (and lose some lockdown weight!) and have really experienced the urge to get back to swimming. So, today, I took the plunge and took out membership at the pool. I was very pleased with my first swim. At other times when I've had a break from swimming I've had to build up gradually but today I managed 32 lengths (half a mile) non stop straight off. I was slower than my old time though.

I have therefore relaunched my virtual challenge, as you can see in this photo. The enthusiasm is there at the moment, we'll see how long it lasts. A channel swim is approx 21 miles. There are 23 weeks left in this year so I'm setting myself that as a target. I've never managed that level of consistency before. I think there's another virtual challenge on the computer somewhere where I got stuck about half way after a much longer period. 

My personal challenges need to be accountable or they don't work so I am making myself accountable to my blip friends by posting this and I look forward to your encouragement. :-) Watch the space below.

The enthusiasm may have gone by tomorrow though!  

Channel swim: 0.5/21 (23 wks left)

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