Misty Morning

The school run this morning was foggy. And muddy. And wet.
More like Autumn than Spring!
This is a particularly muddy field that I pass and I couldn't resist crawling through a dripping hedge to the edge of the frozen flood!
The things we do!!
I am exhausted again today. All this bloody walking is wearing me out - and I've only done 7815 steps so far!
I had a lovely lunch today with Mrs D - the wonderful swimming teacher who taught Miss E as a baby. It's been ages so it was nice to catch up.
Rather than a big fat mayonnaisey baguette and curly fries I had onion soup.
And I walked the wrong way back to my car - about a mile out of my way!!
This little Fitbit is revolutionising my life!!
I even drank a litre and a half of water today. Woohoo!!

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