Looking over the machair

A trip to the beach before too many cars hit the road, although the beach wasn’t the destination, it was the machair. This piece of land is closed off to sheep for a number of months in the year, each year the results are beautiful and include a variety of orchids. I’m hopeless at taking a long view of the colours although it hasn’t stopped me blipping a few.

There were very few people on the beach, we spotted some locals and suspect a couple from the very busy camp site. The tide was in and the sea looked silky smooth, all perfectly beautiful.

Now to tackle the garden…… a lovely woman I was talking to a few days ago described her garden as the one people visit and then go home feeling good about their own garden. My thinking is the same as hers but …… we have bees, insects, butterflies, toads frogs slowworms and who knows what else. They like it. It’s a day for strimming, unless it becomes too warm, it was yesterday. I say outside reading for a while and could hear all the traffic zooming along the narrow road, when out walking about 50% of the drivers slow down the others just carry on.

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