Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2399. New Yoshi Leather Bag

We took a we drive over to Dunkeld this morning and took a picnic with us but it wasn’t very sunny but still warm. There are some nice wee shops in Dunkeld and I splashed out on a new bag from one of them. I love Yoshi leather products…I have a purse and a card holder all with the book theme and I couldn’t resist this cross body bag with some of my favourite authors’ books on it! I love the soft leather and this is a colour I don’t already have.

After a nice picnic we came home to relax but had a frantic series of text messages from my eldest this evening. They are a front line health worker and had to assist the receptionist where they work to deal with an angry, drunk patient who demanded to be let into the building. The poor receptionist tried but couldn’t keep this man out so my eldest went to assist her.
The man shouted and spat at them and kept yelling that he wanted a covid test. He was told to contact the appropriate centre and go and get one that way as they couldn’t offer him a test at a GP practice. My eldest only found out that this idiot was positive by accident as no-one bothered to tell them. Sadly this means that they cannot come for my hubby’s birthday lunch on Sunday as they need to self isolate until they get a negative PCR test, which they’re having difficulty getting over a weekend where they live. It was a horrible experience and just shows that we’re not out of this yet despite the stupidity of lifting so many restrictions in parts of the country. We were so looking to having an almost “normal” family get together at a restaurant but sadly that’s not going to happen just yet…

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