
Firstly, thank you for all the love shown to yesterday's glory :-)))

A day for reflections, hard work and thanks today.

Inevitable news today; a distant oh so old relative gone to final rest.
Following the tragedy of a young life lost earlier in the week, the circle seemed closed.
A long walk by the river for all of Team IttH. Some gentle pondering, some soft laughter, a connection to what really matters.

Then the heavy lifting of taking the really big parts of the tree down. Nice neighbour came to help, more instruction on different kinds of chainsaws recieved, more training of building rope safety systems given in return. All went well until the last job of cutting fallen trunks into movable sizes. And then a gunshot loud crack, a solid punch to the side. Looking down the medium sized, new, chainsaw blade was broken, still whipping free. There was a moment where I couldn't look down, didn't want to know.
Life's long road has taught me well. Always have the right tools for the job, equip yourself with the skills needed to use them. Armoured trousers, boots, gloves and sleeves, autolock and guard. All worked. Incredibly little more than a red mark, safety kit somehow unscathed.
We sat a while, then said let's call it a day and have a beer.

Philosophy Friday
Don't cut corners, it's never quicker.
It's called the right way for a reason.


Always give thanks.

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