Looking the worse for wear!!!

We commented at breakfast time that there weren't many birds at the feeders, only to catch sight of a cat on the patio having a lengthy wash. The birds were in the trees looking on! It wasn't a cat we recognised and it had several injuries. When I went outside it hid in the bushes and sunned itself, until the shadow cast by the house moved round and he was in the shade. He was able to slowly climb up the fence and exit into the church yard next door.

We had visits from two of our injured regulars, the chaffinch with the wonky leg, which can now land on one leg but then does a belly flop. He is much happier sitting in the tree observing his feathered friends. The other regular is a pigeon with an injured foot. He manages without any major problem.

Another cat visitor turned up later. I haven't seen as much cat activity for a long time, but that is possibly because we have been away a lot recently and so no one in the garden to inhibit them.

D has gone home and I've spent the day doing general household tasks. Quite happy to be messing about in no great hurry!!

Furniture restoration class tonight!!

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