Day Lily
Lovely to see these 2 day Lilies in full bloom; some sunshine on what turned out to be a sad day.
My daughter had just temporarily fixed a Drainpipe that was leaking......
we live in a house that was built almost a hundred years ago & the Drainpipes etc are originals.
The phone rang.... I answered it, it was my niece, she asked if I was sitting down; I said I was, OMG! What's happened?????
There was no easy way to tell me, she said "I'm sorry to give you such sad news this way, but your brother, my Uncle passed away this morning".
I was shocked as I always thought he was fit & well, but like lots of families, we didn't keep in touch all the time...
I try, but it works both ways.
I then tried to get in touch with others which was difficult.
I spoke to my Sister-in-law & said I was sorry to hear about the sad news of my Brother's passing, she said she'll let me know about Funeral arrangements etc.
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