Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Juvenile grebe ........

....... just showing signs of the crest, but still with the cute zebra striped face.

We visited RSPB Otmoor.  Though we didn't go till quite late in the day, it was still VERY HOT.  But we enjoyed a slow amble round, ever hopeful, but ever disappointed, that we would see a bittern browsing in the reeds.

Not many other people there, and actually the car park was busier when we left at about 8pm than it had been when we arrived.

We did see a woodpecker on a feeder, probably a reed warbler on the reeds, and almost certainly a reed bunting perched in a tree, quite apart from the many water birds.  In extras is a very busy photo.  

Before returning to our accommodation we topped up with electricity.  We had one of our now customary fights with a charger in Milton, but eventually had a much more satisfactory experience in a shopping centre on the edge of Abingdon.

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