Day 5.... Or maybe day 0..... (10)

Home PCR for Katie today after a not totally definite LFT result yesterday. Hoping it's not another clock resets day.... Wait and see. This little face regularly runs up for snuggles. She was never going to be able to distance herself from me. It may be the price we pay for it. She can't raise herself while I be sick and noone else is in the house. But it doesn't suck any less knowing the potential costs of it.

In other news, a new (loan) clarinet has arrived for her summer course today. Its a clarinet in A so is slightly bigger. It's old but makes a lovely sound. She's excited.

Some friends from church dropped us off a few bits today. It was quite entertaining seeing other people trying to interpret our list items but she was delighted that they picked exactly the ice lollies I would have if I'd been there.

Otherwise, non-eventful day in Isolation House. Lego, music, pool, TV. Lego everywhere. 

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