Porridge for Brekkies

I am generously, in a virtual sense, sharing my breakfast with you. It’s not the kind of breakfast that excites my tastebuds, it is a trial in putting to the test the advice that porridge is good at make one feel full enough not to want to eat anything else for a long time afterwards. Well that homily was kicked into touch pretty quickly when I had a normal lunch 5 hours later. I don’t even like porridge much.

My problem with eating lies somewhere between boredom , comfort or reward. Today it was reward as I can explain.

I like numbers. In my hey day I was a mathematician rather than a wordsmith. However the minute numbers get connected to money in any shape or form such as investments, interest, profits and losses, markets , risk assessment or even plain income tax my numerical brain cuts out completely.
You can therefore imagine the scene when I was summoned to speak to my financial guru this morning. Sheets of figures attached to words I don’t understand blur in front of my eyes as she tries to explain things to me. I am convinced she thinks I have learning difficulties and sometimes I think she has a point. I nod my head because I think that is required, I take another sip of the coffee provided in the hope the caffeine will work wonders with my understanding but after an hour and a half I’m hardly more conversant with my affairs than before
What I need as a reward at this point are unhealthy calories.
It is a testament to my self denial that I managed to constrain the amount as much as I did.

I was in so much of a daze as I escaped via the new St James Quarter that I felt a sort of out of body experience. The whole centre didn’t feel in any way familiar- I could have been in a shopping Mall in Oman rather than one in the centre of Edinburgh.
I am recovering, as they say, at home.

So there you have it, I like numbers but I hate dealing with money. Please can I have an ice cream now?

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