Tractor Tuesday!
A very good shot taken by Miss H ! Today they managed to finish off the fencing and get the ewes moved onto the better grass ahead of them being put in lamb. This year we will be using A.I and will only put our rams in to sweep up any that dont take. The beauty of this is we can introduce new blood lines without having to buy a new ram.
The tractor repair man eventually turned up after lunch. Mr Tbay Jnr was hopping mad as he was promised they would be here first thing. A bearing had gone in the pto which them caused a major failure of the whole pto mechanism. It is slightly odd hat this should fail on a reasonably new tractor which had had very little use of the pto until this season.
Another pool day for anyone who was around. Last day of term for Little Misses school but she is still in isolation until Thursday. Harry is also home too . The family need to be fit and healthy for their upcoming holiday to Scotland starting on Saturday!
My voice is still absent! Still it means that Mr Tbay is having a very quiet few days!
The Young Farmers played Rounders here again followed by a BBQ much enjoyed by all who attended!
Barnsley chops on the BBQ for supper!
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