one speeding…


whipping through the trees

kidding - it’s just a goose - but still, he was going fast - for a goose - on the landing pattern

i didn’t even make - it out of the car - barely had time - to grab a camera - and snap a quick - couple photos before - the barrel of the goose - had sped me by

truly if you’ve never experienced - geese flying by you - in person, you must - it’s something you’ll never forget - they make this sound - like an engine roaring - it’s a low hum initially - and gradually gets louder - and when they fly - by you, well it just about - raises the hair on - the back of your neck - in a good way - because it’s simply - so magical and mysterious - it’s always worth - watching to get a - thrill out of - knowing it’s going to make it…


happy day.....

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