The Boys are back in town

Poor Nate has been coughing a fair bit, so he and I decided to stay back from the team meeting this morning as a couple of people need to be well enough for vaccines and air travel. We made a 'mystery cake' which he loved. It basically means, no recipe and no scales...and throw in anything we have! So the cake today included walnuts, sunflower seeds, chocolate and marshmallows! It turned out surprisingly well and he was delighted. I've struggled with a bad head the past couple of days, so I was glad of a slow paced morning. 
This evening we had Caña Club - so so good to welcome James and Rich home and hear more about their intimate wedding - only 2 guests, J's Dad and R's Mum! Also great to have Danny's uni friend, Yannick, come along too. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A nice time with just Nate.
2) James and Rich being home.
3) School holidays meaning longer evenings and later nights.

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