Nibble nibble

Another glorious day and an earlyish swim before the crowds. I had this little pebbly strand to myself. The water was flat calm, the colours limpid, the temperature mellow. It was most hypnotic and soporific. Actually I wasn't entirely alone - I looked down in the shallows and saw loads of little inquisitive tiddlers, some actually on my foot. You could pay a fortune for this treatment - a fish pedicure.. Actually pretty horrible. The sea anemones were also out and although I saw no jellies in the water when I walked back out the strand was strewn with them.
The afternoon was spent having the hair sorted. We have both had our locks shorn and it feels a lot cooler. Whilst being done, the radio is on and it's talk programmes. One subject can last for literally hours and listeners ring in and go on a bit. The main topic of conversation was of course the weather. I learnt we are now officially in a heatwave - 5 days of temperatures of over 25C and it qualifies. We are in an orange weather warning - severe temperatures, which will lasts until 2pm Friday. It may go over 30C tomorrow. We are to wear sunblock, and lots of it. And it could even be time to take the duvets off! People from Ovens and somewhere that sounded a bit like  Fiery Furnace were also ringing in with their experiences - hot. And there was a top 10 of most sweltering places,  some unfortunate place in Limerick hit the number one spot. I know a lot of you may think these temperatures are nothing special. I shall put it in context - normally roasting is anything over 16C!!

Apres coiffeur, we had fish and chips down at the quay in Schull - an and ice cream. The beaches are still packed but I might venture out a bit later. 

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