Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Arthur and me are staying at home.

The morning was 26c from about 8am, so I tried to get as much housework completed before it got much hotter. I went for a short walk in the neighbourhood. Two beautiful cats were out there as well.
It was difficult not going to visit my family today because it was so fiercely sweltering, and a very long car journey, but it was the right decision and my dear friend could not feed our cat Arthur this time.
It is best to stay indoors unless you can cope with the UV rays that are potentially dangerous and the heat is draining. We still need Vitamin D. I love blue skies and some warmth but 27c is not my ideal temperature.
I have discovered yesterday that gluten and sugar are not helpful if you suffer arthritis. I learnt this from YouTube. Dr Brian Paris was giving an educational talk. He said tomatoes are not good to include in a diet if you suffer gout or arthritis as they contain solanine. Avoiding blackened barbecued foods is a good idea, as is eating some pineapples or bromelin, tumeric, ginger extract, papain, devil's claw, citrus bioflavonoids, from oranges and lemons. Also Omega 3 is anti inflammatory but avoid too much
Omega 6. Rutin, in apples is said to be good.
Avoid sugar and corn starch.
Gluten in white flour, bagels and many products, do not make arthritis better but can contribute to inflammation. I am not sure where the tipping point is.
Having been Vegan since May 2020, I am now on the alert about avoiding gluten and reducing my sugar intake from bought products. Happy to do this if it stops arthritis getting a stronghold.

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