Splashing About
William and I went shopping for a paddling pool in Loughborough, after we'd been to Muffin Break for refreshment. Argos was useless. It used to be possible to go in and buy things over the counter. Now, if the item is not available, you're forced to buy from argos.co.uk and have an account. We'd looked up paddling pools there at the start of the day but there was nothing to say they were out of stock.
So we went to Tesco where I managed to get one for £15, cheaper than Argos anyway.
Grandad took a little while to fill it. I was Zooming on an excellent talk by Asher Svidensky who specialises in cultural documentary photography. You will have seen some of his excellent photos in the likes of National Geographic.
At last the pool was full and William changed into t-shirt and pants, with another layer of sun cream, ready to go splashing. Then he got hungry and wanted a picnic. I whipped up a cheese and ham omelette.
Grandad got in the pool too.
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